Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rube Goldberg Contraptions!

The 3rd grade CCATS studied inventions, innovations, simple machines, and complex machines throughout the year. Then we took a closer look at Rube Goldberg and his famous contraptions! What is a Rube Goldberg? It is a complex way of doing something very simple! The students had to come up with a Rube Goldberg contraption, figure out the materials they would need, assemble the Rube Goldberg machine, test it, and tweak it until it worked! They were required to use at least 3 simple machines and their Rube Goldberg had to have at least 7 steps. They did a great job!




  1. Thank you for posting these! Bryant has been so fascinated with Rube Goldberg thanks to these lessons! I have loved seeing him come home so excited about something he learned at school!

  2. It is my pleasure! I love seeing them work hard and keep trying until they get it right!
