Thursday, September 4, 2014

4th Grade Learns Why Oceans are Important!

Here is the video we watched in class to kick off why we should care about our oceans!

Why the Ocean Matters!

3rd Grade Play-dough!!

The 3rd grade started their unit about inventions by learning that some inventions are mistakes, while some inventions started out as something completely different than what they are now used for! We learned that Play-dough was originally a wallpaper cleaner before it went through a few changes and became the fun product we know today!

The students were able to make homemade peanut butter play-dough! They also got to eat their final product! YUM!!

Jolee and Breanna mixing their dough!

Edward is really thinking about what to make!

Micah, Lane, Landon, and Brayden
have no trouble getting their hands dirty!

Piper, Macy, and Lily are working hard to shape their dough!