The CCATS 3rd grade have been studying about simple machines and complex machines. Then we learned about a man named Rube Goldberg who used simple and complex machines to make crazy contraptions that were extremely complicated just to perform a very simple task! The students had to come up with their own Rube Goldberg contraption. Here are some of them in the progress of working on them! My room will never be the same!!
My tables make great inclined planes! |
I hope that dinosaur doesn't lose a tooth trying to pull the light switch! |
Taylor is trying to figure out how to get the ball to go in the correct direction! |
This might work! |
That's starting to look complicated! |
Kennedy and Esteban are working hard on a chain reaction, while Kaitlyn is studying her contraption. |
This looks like a mess, but I promise they are working hard! |
Esther has decided to use my board to plan instead of erasing so much on her paper! |
Lauren and Talyor are using bookcases, tables, books, and all kinds of stuff, just to throw a bottle away! |
Getting everything lined up! |
Kennedy is ready for a test run! Esteban isn't so sure! |
That's a long domino book line! |
Will the truck go down this? |
The books will send it rolling! |
Dominoes to knock a water ball into a dump truck! |
This looks like a complicated way to throw a bottle away! |
Binder ramps, a stuffed dog, a dog bowl....What's up here? |
Oh, dog food in a bag! |
They want to press a button on this computer. |
Starting by swinging this ball! |
This is the Nerf gun that will fire at the computer. |
A string is attached to the trigger. |
That is attached to the ball! |
Piper, Jolee, and Landon are working hard getting theirs set up! |
Lane and Breanna are ready for a test run! |
Brayden and Edward are being secret in a corner about theirs. |
Macy and Micah are setting up! |
Micah looks confused! |
Lane and Breanna are refining their project! |
Lily and Blake are using some strength to set their project up! |
It looks like Brayden and Edward are getting some ideas going! |
What's up Landon? |
It's a Landon in a box! Pop goes Landon! |
Breanna is ready to try again! |
Is it going to work this time? |
The beginning of Lily and Blake's project! Using a wheel and axle to push a ball. |
That will fall into the basket. |
That will activate the pulley and make the basket flip the light switch! |
That's one way to stabilize your box! |
Edward and Brayden are getting set up to test it! By the way, that box is a TV! |
Those are some big books to use as dominoes! |
Wow! What have you boys come up with! |
Piper thinks she has it lined up! Landon is checking! |
Is that one of my chess pieces on that skateboard?!? |
Jolee is resting while holding the skateboard steady on the ramp! |
Oh, you want to press the intercom button! |
That's why you needed a nosey chess piece! |
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