Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cup Challenge!!

To build some teamwork, critical thinking, and cooperative skills, the students were put into groups of 4 and given a challenge! They were to take six stacked cups and create a pyramid with them. Not so hard, right??? The catch was that they had to use a rubber band with four strings attached to it to move the cups. Each person had to be holding a string and only the rubber band and string could touch the cups! Not so easy now!!!

What the cups were supposed to end up looking like!!
Garrett, Luke, Bryce, and Harrisyn are working hard!

Airrell, Ella, C-Jay, and Jacob look like they're doing pretty good!

Uh-oh! It looks like they are losing it!

Luke, Bryce, Garrett, and Harrisyn are on the right track!

It's not going well here!

One part of the pyramid complete!

How do we get it up??

Can we make another part??

Breanna, Ze'Niyah, and Cassidy are trying to get it!

Lauren isn't sure this is working!

Edward and Jackson think their group is doing good! Does Kaitlyn agree?

Esther, Esteban, Edward, and Jackson are about to complete part of the pyramid!

It looks like it went tumbling down!!

Yes, Lauren, Kennedy, Kaitlyn, and Jayden, you must start again!

Not good!! How are we going to get it back on the table??

Flip it, flip it!!

Ahh! We lost it!

Are we ever going to get this??

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