The Week A 4th grade also heard a tantalizing tale about Archimedes and how he figured out the science of buoyancy! They also learned about how mass, volume, density, and salinity all affect an object's buoyancy! To test their knowledge, they built boats out of aluminum foil and we tested which boat could hold the most marbles! Ask your student how many marbles their boat could hold!
Libby, Kayden, and Noah are working hard on their boat! |
Eric, Caden, and Treanna think they have it figured out!! |
Logan, Ashlyn, and Brody are confident in their boat's buoyancy! |
One poor little boat tipped over! |
This boat eventually capsized too!! |
Will this one make it?? |
Our winning boat!! It was the most buoyant and able to hold the most marbles! |
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