Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A to Z Story!

The Week A fourth grade have been studying about the ocean. Today, they had to make up a story about a fisherman in the ocean cleaning pollution. The catch was, they each had to say one sentence to add to the story. Each sentence had to begin with a word that began with the next letter of the alphabet. The sentence had to make sense with the rest of the story. It was tough, but they persevered! Here is their story!

A Fisherman in the Ocean Cleaning Pollution

            A fisherman was down by the ocean cleaning pollution out of it. But then, a storm came up. Can 

anybody help him in this storm? Dolphins wanted to help him! Even though the fisherman was on the 

dolphin’s back tightly, he fell off. Fishermen came in a boat to get him. “Get up!” they told him. “How did 

you get in there?” “I was cleaning off the beach. Just then, a storm came. Kindly, a dolphin wanted to help 

me! Later, I fell off the dolphins back. Maybe you could help me clean the pollution!” said the Fisherman.

            Now all the fishermen are cleaning the pollution. On the ocean, they spotted a ton of trash. 

“Possibly, we could go pick up that trash”, said the fisherman. Quickly, they got up half of the trash! “Row 

over there to get up the other half of the trash”, said a fisherman. Suddenly, they saw lots of bottles. Then, 

two pelicans picked up bottles when they swooped down to get water. Urgently, fish swam into the trash. 

Very quickly, they had to pick up the trash! Why did those fish have to swim into the trash? Xavier said, 

“They probably were trying to get away from a predator!” “You did a great job picking up the pollution!” 

said the fisherman. “Zippity do da, we did it!” said the fishermen.    

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