Thursday, May 12, 2016

Saving the Sea Turtles

Any of the students will tell you that sea turtles are close to my heart! These gentle creatures have been around for millions of years only to find that they are now very much in danger of disappearing from the earth. The students learned all about sea turtles and then divided into groups to research one specific species in depth. The students then created posters to inform people about their sea turtle and how we can help!

Which sea turtle is your favorite?

Jayden, Kaitlyn, and Jackson with the Kemp's and Olive Ridley

Macy and Addison with the Olive Ridley

Landon and Cassidy with the hawksbill

Brayden and Blake with the leatherback

Tykyra and Lily with the loggerhead 

Jolee and Lane with the green

Edward and Mikkiel had the loggerhead

Kennedy, Taylor, and Esther had the green

Emma, Lauren, and Ze'Niyah had the leatherback