More fun from Jekyll Island!! Here are more photos of the great time and wonderful learning that went on!!
Jekyll Island still has a lot of untouched land!
The kids had a tiny bit of free time! You would think they would be tired!
Here is the bottom of a sea star!
Gabe thought this sea star was little.
This is a knobbed whelk.
They are living creatures!
Gabe gets up close with a tortoise!
This turtle isn't sure about this!
The students learn about reptiles during a class.
Gabe looks pretty comfortable with this snake!
Gabe, Logan, and Kade must be hungry!
They are hanging out outside of the cafeteria!
Making s'mores at the campfire!
Some of the boys are providing camp-side entertainment!
The men are getting the fire ready!
Gabe, Kade, Hunter, Tristan, CD, Ty, Jordan, and
Levi are ready for s'mores!
Sifting in the slough!
The students get to sift through the mud and water of the slough to see what creatures and plants they can find! |
Do you see the alligator??
Do you see him now??
These boys better watch for the gator!
Jordan must think the alligator followed into the forest!
A Jekyll Island camp leader teaches the students about the maritime forest.
Gabe likes climbing the Grandfather Tree!
The Grandfather Tree is really old!
The maritime forest looks much different than our forest around here!
Listening as a Jekyll leader points out foliage of the maritime forest.
Hiking through the forest!
The bottom layer of the maritime forest has lots of palm plants.
Everyone stay together!
The upper layers have lots of moss!
Walking the plank!
It's the only way to get across the swampy mess!
Do your tree roots look like these?
Learning what to look for in the forest.
The middle layer of the maritime forest.
Who's ready??
We love Jekyll Island 4-H Center!
Gathering on the boardwalk.
A Jekyll Island leader discussing key information before starting out!
A giant turtle skeleton at the Sea Turtle Center.
Getting a look at the turtles.
These kids really like snakes!
They enjoyed a whole class just about snakes!
This snake really likes Hunter!
A Jekyll Island leader discussing attributes of snakes and safe handling.
In the marsh!
We told you we are outside RAIN or shine!!
They may look funny, but they are trying to get a periwinkle to come out of the shell by humming.
Looking at the map. Do they know where to go?
A horseshoe crab!